The logo for mr. potty plumbing shows a man in a space suit holding a toilet.



CoMMerCIAl WaTEr SofTENers & FiltrATION SysTeMs

Mr Potty Plumbing can help your business install and repair water softeners and filtration systems in the Katy, TX and surrounding areas.

   Here Are JusT A FEW bENeFITs Of haVINg bettEr qUaliTy WATer For yoUr COMMerCIal bUsINess:

A black and white drawing of a cross on a white background.

Leads to better health

A black shield with a white cross in the middle.

Helps prevent waterborne Illness

A black and white drawing of a glass of water with a drop of water on top.

Fresher Taste & Odor

A black and white arrow pointing down on a white background.

Less Cleaning

A black and white drawing of a piggy bank with a coin in it.

Saves Money on Plumbing Fixtures & Appliances

Are YoU ReaDy TO GeT STArtED?

A black silhouette of a phone on a white background.

Why do I need a water softener or reverse osmosis system for my business in Katy, Texas?

Everyone benefits from better quality water.  Whether it's for better overall health or just a better taste, you can't go wrong with upgrading your water quality. Most people aren't aware of the contaminants that can potentially be found in our water supply. If your business has dated plumbing you could be a good candidate for a softener or filtration system install. 

3 Easy Steps to

BoOk YoUr HAssle-FreE PluMbiNg SerVICE

A black and white icon of a calendar with a check mark in the middle.

Step 1


A black clipboard with three check marks on it on a white background.

Step 2


A black and white icon of a faucet and a gear.

Step 3


Katy area: Here are some contaminants that may be found in your water:

  • Lead

    Lead pipes are the most common entry source of lead in drinking water. Certain pipes that carry drinking water from the water source to the home may potentially contain lead. Household plumbing fixtures, welding solder, and pipe fittings that were made prior to 1986 may also contain lead.

  • Chlorine

    Ingesting larger than normal amounts of chlorine with your tap water can have a number of adverse health effects. Some of these effects occur because chlorine tends to form trihalomethanes. Trihalomethanes (THMs), including chloroform, form when chlorine reacts with tiny organic particles found in water. These chemical compounds have been documented in several adverse health outcomes. 

  • Chloramines

    Studies have indicated chloramine causes more rapid deterioration of community municipal plumbing infrastructures. This is especially true of valves and fittings found in those infrastructures.  In water systems that still use lead pipes or components, this causes lead and other metals to enter our drinking water out of faucets and shower heads.

  • Mercury

    This silver metal and  chemical element is naturally found in ore deposits. It's also found in man-made products like barometers, thermometers, dry-cell batteries, light bulbs, and other electronics. It can enter into water supplies from improperly disposed of devices containing it. Common entry points generally come from run-offs from landfills & farm land, or it can be dumped by factories. 

  • Pharmaceuticals

    Prescription drugs, over-the-counter medications, perfumes, colognes, skin lotions and sunscreens that wash off people's skin are some common examples of pharmaceuticals that have slowly made their way into our lakes, rivers, and streams.  Water quality experts and environmental advocates are becoming  concerned about the adverse affects this can potentially have on our water supply. 

  • VOCs

    Volatile Organic Chemicals or, VOCs, are found in a host of commercial, industrial, and residential products, including gasoline, solvents, cleaners and degreasers, paints, inks and dyes. VOCs are most commonly found in the environment as a result of human activity, such as a spill or inappropriate disposal of the chemical where it's been allowed to soak into the ground.

  • Herbicides

    Atrazine is a popular herbicide that is still widely used today because it is effectiveness in reducing crop losses due to weed growth. Atrazine is a frequently used herbicide used on corn, soybeans, sorghum, sugar cane, and pineapple. The EPA has found atrazine to potentially cause a variety of health effects from long-term exposure at levels above the recommended amounts of consumption. 

  • Pesticides

    Did you know that there are more than 1,000 pesticides used around the world to ensure food is not damaged or destroyed by pests? When farmland get excessive amounts of rainfall that water cannot always be held within the soil structure. When this happens, pesticides can find it's way into our water supply.   

OUr LoCAl KATy, TeXAs BusINEss NETWork

We consistently utilize premium materials and provide you with reliable products from top manufacturers.

The logo for goldman sachs 10,000 small businesses alumni
Nia network in action logo on a blue background
A red and gray logo for bni west houston

OUr LoCAl KATy, TeXAs BusINEss NETWork

We consistently utilize premium materials and provide you with reliable products from top manufacturers.

The logo for goldman sachs 10,000 small businesses alumni
Nia network in action logo on a blue background
A red and gray logo for bni west houston

OUr CUsToMErs lOve OUr QUAliTy plUMbiNG sErViCEs

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