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We offer installation and service on all tank and tankless water heaters in the Katy, TX and surrounding areas.

There are pros and cons to tank vs tankless water heaters. Our professionals at Mr Potty can carefully explain to you your options and help you decide which is right for you. 

WHiCH WaTEr HeaTEr Is BesT For KaTy, TeXAs AreA ResiDEnts

Let our licensed plumbers help you make the right decision for you!

   WaTEr HeaTEr 

InsTAllaTIoN anD RepaIr

Conventional storage tank water heaters are the  most popular type of water heating system for the home. A single-family water heater offers a  reservoir of hot water typically from 20 to 80 gallons . It functions by releasing hot water from the top of the tank when you turn on the hot water tap. To refill the hot water that's been used, cold water enters the bottom of the tank, ensuring that the tank is always full. In Texas, storage tank water heaters generally have three different fuel sources: natural gas, propane, and electricity. 

Conventional tank water heaters are the most cost-effective way to go, but generally will require more maintenance over the life of the tank.

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Tankless Water Heaters Katy, Texas

Tankless water heaters, also known as demand-type or instantaneous water heaters, provide hot water only as it is needed. They don't produce the standby energy losses associated with storage water heaters, which can save you money over time. Tankless water heaters heat water directly without the use of a storage tank. When a hot water tap is turned on, cold water travels through a pipe into the unit. Either a gas burner or an electric element heats the water. As a result, tankless water heaters deliver a constant supply of hot water. You don't need to wait for a storage tank to fill up with enough hot water. 

Tankless water heaters carry a higher price tag, but will require less maintenance over the life of the unit than a conventional tank water heater. 

3 Easy Steps to

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Step 1


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Step 2


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Step 3


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We consistently utilize premium materials and provide you with reliable products from top manufacturers.

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OUr LoCAl KATy, TeXAs BusINEss NETWork

We consistently utilize premium materials and provide you with reliable products from top manufacturers.

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Nia network in action logo on a blue background
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